This application is a different from regular wallpaper and video wallpaper.
you can apply Borderlight Wallpaper on EDGE of a Mobile Phone screen.
you can set different types of wallpaper.
Border Light are set gradient color border.
Module :
- Edge Lighting
- Magical Border
Edge Lighting :
- Preview.
- Enable wallpaper
- you can set wallpaper Home Screen and Lock Screen.
- Border Type
- Display list of Images ,you can set one image on EDGE Border.
- Background
- Color.
- Wallpaper(Set Default Wallpaper)
- Photo(select gallery image)
- Wallpaper Image.
- you can set Animation speed.
- set Border size.
- set Border Radius top.
- set Border Radius bottom.
- EDGE Notch
- set notch width top and bottom.
- set notch height.
- set notch Radius top and bottom.
Magical Border :
- Display list of magical border ,you can set Home Screen and Lock screen.